Meine Sicht

Natürlich hat jeder seine eigene Sicht auf Bilder. Mit eigenen Emotionen und dem, was man in einem Bild glaubt zu sehen oder wieder zu erkennen. Für alle die nichts in diesen Bildern sehen, will ich hier meine Sicht nahe bringen. Vielleicht hilft das dem ein oder anderen auch seine eigene Sicht zu entwickeln.

Of course everyone has their own view of pictures. With your own emotions and what you think you see or recognize in a picture. For everyone who sees nothing in these pictures, I want to bring my view closer here. Perhaps this will help one or the other to develop their own view.

Burning Man

Looks like an old man with burning hair in this structure maze. If you look very closely, you will discover a second face.


A party of skeletons. And Elvis plays the piano. A woman with a topper waves with a cloth and sings soprano.

Funny Guy

It could be a funny guy with headphones. Or a skull that snaps for a butterfly.

Calling Woman

I see a calling woman wearing a ischolo, I believe. Or she takes a deep breath.

Angry Lady

An angry lady could it be, who is more obviously hidden in this weird structure.

Blue Eagle

A blue eagle spreads its wings. Turn the picture, maybe you find some other things.

Smiling Dog

With a little imagination, you will maybe also recognize a smiling dog, in this creation.

Big Fish

It doesn’t have to be. But ist could be a big fish.


The picture or rather what you could in it see, is maybe the poet Shakespeare, banished in a piece of an old tree.

Star Child

I see a child. Looks down to earth. Doesn’t seems too happy. „Here my rebirth?“

Laughing Girl

A laughing girl with flowing hair. With a pointed nose and a wide eyes pair.

One Eye Ork

I would call this face the one eye ork. The other eye is mechanical, but he can see with them like a hawk.

Billy Goat

The head of an ox or a billy goat. I can’t really make a decision what I believe to see.

Root Face

I see in this streams of roots and wood a heavily drawn face of a hard working dude.

Puffer Fish

It looks like a pufferfish for me in a frosty blue ocean or sea.

Devil Man

A horned evil man, on cheek his bad twin. Tun the picture. From other side a ghost with a horny chin.